Samarbejdet med Sir Rupert Neve har om noget cementeret sE Electronics' plads på den internationale musikscene. Innovation, passion og teknisk forståelse har bragt to parter fra hver sit verdenshjørne sammen til glæde for musikere og audiofile verden over.
"I have long had intentions of working on a project like this. After looking closely at the manufacturing techniques, build quality, and work ethic of countless companies, sE became the obvious choice as a partner for the development of these microphones, and I couldn't be more pleased with the results." - Rupert Neve, Rupert Neve Designs.
"For many years, I have admired the work of Mr. Neve, and now that we are working together I am able to realize a quality level in microphone technology that no other manufacturer to date has managed to achieve." - Siwei Zou, sE Electronics
Alle produkter i Rupert Neve Signature Series
sE Electronics RN17
Premium Small-Diaphragm Condenser - Rupert Neve design
Artikelnummer 13141707650 kr. -
sE Electronics RN17
Cardiod Capsule - RN17
Artikelnummer 13142172595 kr. -
sE Electronics RN17
Omnidirectional Capsule - RN17
Artikelnummer 13143172595 kr. -
sE Electronics RN17 Pair
Premium Small-Diaphragm Condenser - Rupert Neve design - Factory-Matched Stereo Pair
Artikelnummer 131417215350 kr. -
sE Electronics RNR1
Meet the RNR1 - the world's first mic from Mr. Rupert Neve
Artikelnummer 131411013195 kr. -
sE Electronics RNT
Premium Multi-Pattern Tube Condenser - Rupert Neve Designs®
Artikelnummer 131410021550 kr.